Tuesday, April 21, 2009

December 6, 2009!!!

So about two weeks ago today I felt like my life was going to change for the second time. On April 4th I started throwing up...a lot and was three days past my period. I was not feeling good, but thought there is NO way I could be expecting AGAIN. I let a few days pass and I threw up every morning and night and felt like Poo. So on the 7th of April I got up that morning throwing up and lots of nausea and the water works started! That night was a softball game in Lamar and I went to it with Clayton. After the game was over I took my husband to El Parian and then had him take Clayton home so I could go get some sinus medicine. I knew on that day that I WAS pregnant, but wanted to take a test just to confirm my feelings.

I went to Fred's and they were out of pregnancy tests (tells you how many people are preggers or think they are preggers in Clarksville). So I called my husband and told him I was headed to Wal-Mart and would be a little be late. So I picked up sinus medicine, tampons, a pregnancy test, Dove Chocolates (for Matt), and Large Reese's Cups (for me). When I got home I kissed Clayton and told Matt I had to go potty and then I would be back.
I took the Wal-Mart sack in with me and took the first test, and my fear was comfirmed...I am PREGNANT! The two lines popped up SO fast!! I was shocked and so I tucked the test in my pants and walked out to the living room where I told my husband to turn off the T.V. He was laying in the floor and I asked, "Do you want me to make your day worse or maybe it will make it better. I am not sure?" He said what is going on. I yelled "I'm PREGNANT!" He just stared at me and kept on saying are you serious? So I pulled out the test and he told me to go pee on the other one. I did and sure enough two RED lines! He was so excited and I was just balling!!!

I really felt better when Clayton crawled over to me and kissed me and hugged my neck and I just could not stop crying and Matt could not stop jumping up and down! So we could not keep this a secret so we called his bestfriend Cliff and then sent a text to his sister Misti. I soon called my brother and his wife and that was it! We just turned the TV off and tried to take it all in! I am still trying to take it all in.

We told the families these last two weekends and I went to the doctor yesterday, April 20, 2009. We met with a wonderful Dr. Stephanie Case. She too is expecting and is Such a wonderful woman.

Yes! I am scared.

Yes! I do worry about the future.
Yes! I wonder if there is ENOUGH love.

But....I know that God would not give us more than we can handle and when I feel at my lowest he will be there to help me along! Matt looks at is as if we are blessed because we had such a difficult time conceiving Clayton...surgery, hormone therapy, clomid and then baby. This time we did it the natural way and now Baby #2 will be here in 33 weeks!!! WOW!!!

Friday, April 10, 2009

Holding it in!

I have SO much to say but I can't! Can't wait until I CAN!!

God is good and I am now able to face the fact that my life is turning in a good direction. It has just taken me a while to accept it and understand it! I love my life and I love my family!

Sunday, April 5, 2009

La Mardi Gras-Prom 2009

Clayton dancing with his daddy!
Matt's senior ball girls!

Clayton and the Queen!

Clayton got to attend his very FIRST prom last night. Lamar High School put on their annual prom and it was FANTASTIC! Mrs. Bollman and Coach Meador did a FANTABULOUS job decorating and getting the kids really involved with helping. It was so amazing. I was very impressed with the purple walls, the masks, the french quarter, and the gesture.
We had SO much fun! Can't wait until next years!

Friday, April 3, 2009

Lazy Friday!

Today was a very unusual Friday. Like most days I get up at 7:30 and let the Sandlin's in with Mr. Jake and give Clayton and Jake both their morning feedings. At around 8:30 they go down for their morning naps. At around 10 today Mrs. Nikki came to get her little boy and take him home so it was just Clayton and I until 3, when his daddy came home I went to my very 1st massage EVER! At first I was really scared but Mrs. Brenda got me really calm and did an excellent job. My back is a little sore, but I think that comes with the extra pressure. IDK...maybe.

After I got home we went to Larry's Pizza and met up with Matt's mom and her three sisters, three nieces, and Misti. It was WONDERFUL. They all thought it was cute watching Clayton eat chocolate off of the chocolate chip pizza. Still not a fan of letting people give my son bad food, but I can't stop them...they think it is SO cute and I just CRING! I really do HATE it, but Matt tells me to calm down and I try! Oh I try!

We left directly from Larry's and headed to the high school to help with Prom decorations. It is going to look AMAZING! The theme is "La Mardy Gras." I will upload pics tomorrow of the ending project! Clayton did amazing and LOVED playing in the balloons! Oh how he is growing and learning! Scares me to think I will have one of those little darling teens in 14 years...oh MY!

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Eleven months have past...one to go!!!

I thank God for this baby daily! I love those 4 little teeth and one popping through!

This time last year I was heading to Little Rock, AR to stay with my grandparents for the last month of my pregnancy. I knew that in three weeks I would have a beautiful little boy! Unkown to me...God LOVES to laugh at our plans...he came almost five weeks later. He has been such a joy in my life and God has blessed Matt and I eminsely! I am shocked at all the amazing and wonderful things he experiences and does on a daily basis.

For instance on Tuesday night I was sitting in the living room floor playing with him, but got distracted by the T.V. show I was watching. I heard this cute little giggle that I had yet to hear and looked over to see what my son was doing. He was IN the rocking chair! I was SHOCKED! I laughed and clapped and he did the same! Thank goodness he learned at 10 months old how to get down from things so I knew that climbing was right around the corner. It was so hilarious. He even did it again when his daddy got home after the softball game! That baby amazes me! I still can't beleive that 11 months has flown by...tick tocking down to his big 1st Birthday! Can't wait...just pray that it all goes as planned!
The camera was not in the room when he climbed up in the chair, but here is a picture of him getting off of the bed! Love HIM!