Thursday, September 10, 2009

Life as it is!

So my big boy is now eating with utensils! He does NOT like using the plastic baby fork and spoon, but he wants what Momma and Daddy have! I must also mention that he ate EVERY bite of his pasta and green beans! YUM!! This is a profile picture of my sweet little Cara Lynne Little! She will be here sometime in late November or early December! We will find out the 21st of September!!!

So I have not blogged since I found out I was pregnant with Miss Cara Lynne! IT is a GIRL! I had SO many thoughts going through my head those first few months I did not know how to put it down on paper (computer). I have started a little book for her just as I did for Clayton, but I wanted to keep that personnal for her to read when she becomes of age. There are still SO many thoughts that rage through me, but I think it is time for me to start getting them out of my head and down on screen!

We have been working frantically to clean out our spare bedroom for Clayton to move into so his new baby SISTER (I still can't get over it that it is a girl!) can move into the nursery! I have been trying to make up my mind on what we are going to decorate her new room in, and I think I have come to the conclusion of dragonflys. WE are going to keep the same bedding that Clayton had, but change the wall decorations from baseball to dragonflys. I am not really that much of a girly girl so we are not going to do a blast of pepto bismol in her room!

I would like her to have a room that shows her colors other than PINK, PINK, PINK! I am also afraid that since she is a girl I might go a little bit overboard with decorations when I did not on Clayton. Little boys are SO much easier to decorate for because they really do not need much! Maybe she does not either and I am just going crazy with it! Sounds like me!